Our Student Data Platform Privacy Policy

LAST UPDATED: August 17, 2022

STATEMENT ON STUDENT DATA:Customers of Loop Data use our services to manage data relating to students in educational institutions. Loop Data does not ever use student data for any data mining or marketing purpose. Loop Data only uses student data as directed by the customer for educational purposes.


This Student Data Platform Privacy Policy applies to student data collected during the business activities of Loop Data (founded under the name Obi LLC) and all affiliates, subsidiaries and related entities (collectively “Loop Data,” “we” or “us”).

Loop Data enters into a Data Protection Agreement (DPA) with every customer to cover student data specifically. At a minimum, that DPA is the National Data Privacy Agreement (NDPA) from the Student Data Privacy Consortium, part of the Access4Learning community (https://privacy.a4l.org/national-dpa/). Many customers have state DPAs based on the NDPA to meet specific state laws; for those customers, we sign the state DPA.

In other words, Loop Data legally binds itself to the highest protection of student data. We've also signed the Student Privacy Pledge 2020 (https://studentprivacypledge.org).

These commitments carry many requirements and we hereby commit to all of them. Here are some we especially want to be sure you know about: FERPA Note: In the United States, data regarding students is subject to the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and relevant regulations. We comply with the requirements imposed by the US Department of Education under the “school official exception.”


We protect staff and parent data at a similar level to student data, whether or not such protection is contractually required.

For information on our data policies for customers and others interested in our company, see the main web site privacy policy at https://www.loopdataservices.com/privacyPolicyMainWebsite.html.